Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Animation are teaming with LAFIG Belgium and IMPS to produce multiple movies…
Tag: Ramsey Naito
Nickelodeon greenlights two new animated series – ‘Max and the Midknights’ and ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’
Nickelodeon has announced the greenlight of two all-new animated series Max and the Midknights, based on…
Nickelodeon adds three senior animation executives
Nickelodeon has added new executives to its to newly created senior positions in animation studio headquarters…
Nickelodeon to produce animated content for Netflix
Netflix and Nickelodeon announced a multiyear pact that requires the latter to produce original animated feature films and television…
Nickelodeon has ordered a cartoon series inspired by the pre-school song, ‘Baby Shark’
The YouTube popular pre-school song, Baby Shark is being developed into an animated series. Nickelodeon will…
Nickelodeon and CBS Television Studios approves animated ‘Star Trek’ series
Nickelodeon and CBS Television Studios has announced to have a go-ahead for a new animated Star…