The team behind the acclaimed Hawaiian animated short Kapaemahu is back with a new animated short…
Tag: Joe Wilson
Exclusive: “‘Kapaemahu’ feels like a moving painting” – John Musker in a chat with the animated short makers
Kapaemahu makers Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu, Joe Wilson and animator Daniel Sousa had an interview with legendary Disney…
‘Kapaemahu’, first Hawaiian animated short to clear first round of Oscars Shortlist
'Kapaemahu', first Hawaiian animated short to clear first round of Oscars Shortlist
Exclusive: Animated short ‘Kapaemahu’ could be the first-ever Hawaiian film to be nominated for Oscars
In the long history of Hollywood, the deprivation, erasure and misrepresentation of indigenous people has been…
Animated short, ‘Kapaemahu’ hails the healing powers of the four mahus (transgenders)
Legends and myths have always intrigued me. Through these, various fascinating stories have come down the…