Disney’s hit video game-themed animated film Wreck-It Ralph is officially returning for a second showing. Voice actor John C. Reilly has confirmed the sequel and his return as the titular character on Monday. Meanwhile, franchise director Rich Moore plans to feature some of Nintendo’s signature characters like Mario, Luigi, Link and Zelda in the upcoming sequel.
Even before the first movie made its way to the big screen a few years back, there have already been some rumors regarding a follow-up film for Wreck-It Ralph. Finally, the long-running talks about this have been confirmed through the Twitter account of producer Penny Hart recently.
John C Reilly announced at the interview today that he has signed on for Wreck it Ralph 2!
— Penny Hart (@pennyrosehart) July 12, 2015
Wreck-It Ralph has grossed over $470 million worldwide -$189 million domestically and $281 million internationally -after it premiered 2 November, 2012. Because of this success, the movie has been reined as the “Toy Story with video games.” It was also noted by the outlet that though the Mouse House has not exactly given the go signal yet, but director Rich Moore had revealed that they were already brainstorming ideas for the sequel.
Last time around, Moore has stated that the highly anticipated sequel might feature the big-fisted Ralph discovering the worlds of online gaming and console gaming. The director has already expressed his interest in featuring some of Nintendo’s signature gaming characters such as Mario, Luigi, Link, and Zelda in the forthcoming sequel. However, there is no confirmation yet whether the said plan will be executed in Wreck-It Ralph 2.
Meanwhile, Reilly is the only confirmed original cast to reprise his role in the second chapter of Ralph’s adventures. Original co-stars Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer and Jane Lynch’s return to the franchise is yet to be determined.
Wreck-It Ralph 2 does not have a specific place on the Disney schedule yet. For the meantime, the studio’s animation slate only includes upcoming films Zootopia, Moana, Giants and Frozen 2.