VFX With 100+ million game downloads, Games2win delivers the highest global engagement by an Indian company in 2016 -

With 100+ million game downloads, Games2win delivers the highest global engagement by an Indian company in 2016

Games2win – one of the oldest game developers in the country announced that it has crossed over 100 million game downloads across iTunes and Android stores and has delivered over 1.2 billion minutes of global engagement in 2016 – the highest by an Indian company.

Speaking about these significant achievements, Games2win, CEO and co-founder, Alok Kejriwal said, “We are really excited about hitting the 100 million download mark and concurrently crossing the 1+ billion minutes of global engagement milestone right at the beginning of 2017. What makes us glad about these twin achievements is that these originate from our entire portfolio of original IP games all of which have been conceptualised, produced and published by Games2win. We have almost an equal split between iTunes and Android games and our top markets of downloads and engagement are North America, U.K, India and the top European countries. Almost all our 40 game titles have individually crossed the one million mark, with several titles like Power CricketThe Tattoo game series and Parking Frenzy hitting the five to 10 million download milestones.

As an entertainment company, we believe that delivering 1.2 billion minutes of global engagement positions us as a leading games company that is influencing the media consumption patterns of millennials worldwide. We have a very strong pipeline of games lined up for 2017 and firmly believe that these will contribute handsomely to creating an all new record of downloads and engagement minutes for our company.”