VFX Will Disney’s D23 Expo clash with San Diego Comic-Con 2017?   -

Will Disney’s D23 Expo clash with San Diego Comic-Con 2017?  

The biennial exposition event, D23 Expo, has recently announced their dates for their next event. As opposed to the previous year, this time D23 Expo 2017 will be held at the Anaheim Convention Center from 14 to 16 July, 2017 whereas last year it was held between 14 and 16 August.

The clash lies here as July is also a month for the San Diego Comic-Con as it was held last year from 9 to 12 July and this year it will take place from 21 to 24 July, 2016. Therefore, this month seems crucial however Comic-Con is yet to announce a confirm date for 2017.

But, San Diego Comic-Con is presumed to kick off on 19 July, 2017 (yet to unveil official dates) which may then mark a week after the D23 Expo 2017 which on the other hand has already released its dates. If this presumption turns out to be correct in the future then Disney can showcase new footage and announcements from films at their own convention a week prior rather than at the San Diego Comic-Con.

San Diego Comic-Con

As Disney has acquired Marvel Studios, it can make the best use of this beforehand opportunity to reveal threads of what’s in store from the Marvel comic characters to entertain and add to the excitement of the comic superhero fans. It will also display what’s on the horizon from theme parks, television, music, gaming, and films, including Pixar and the Star Wars franchise.

If that’s what is coming from Disney then probably DC Comics can lead the baton at San Diego Comic-Con if at all the convention happens a week later after the D23 Expo 2017. Just like DC Comics along with Warner Bros. grabbed the opportunity to unveil its upcoming projects Batman v Superman – Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad at the San Diego Comic –Con last year; 2017 may provide the same chance for DC Comics thus, leaving the limelight entirely to them with no Marvel revelations anywhere in the picture at least during the same convention.

As far as Disney and Marvel are concerned, Marvel has Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Black Panther (2018) and Avengers: Infinity War – Part 1 in the upcoming years while Disney’s Lucasfilm has Star Wars: Episode VIII set for a December 2017 release. So, Disney has a lot of announcements in its kitty already that it will probably unveil at the D23 Expo 2017.

Irrespective of the yet to be confirmed dates of San Diego Comic-Con, D23 Expo, which happens every two years, seems to be an extravagant event in 2017 as it will attract tens of thousands of Disney fans from across the country and around the world.