VFX The third edition of Global Content Bazar to be held in Mumbai on 7 and 8 February, 2020 -

The third edition of Global Content Bazar to be held in Mumbai on 7 and 8 February, 2020

In February 2020, the island city of Mumbai will welcome a content marketplace positioned at the very heart of India’s multi-billion dollar entertainment industry – Bollywood. The 3rd edition of Global Content Bazaar signals the arrival of a new platform for content innovators to pitch and showcase their work to potential buyers, sellers and distributors and also participate in a collaboration between different yet innately related aspects of entertainment technology that are pivotal in the creation of content for films, television, new media, mobile, gaming, radio and lots more.

The global content industry is a formidable force that now powers everything you see and hear across multiple media platforms. Whether it’s Film or Television or New Media or Online, content is the undisputed king and currently the most celebrated industry around the world.

As the creators of the 29-year-old, highly successful Broadcast India Show, Saicom Trade Fairs & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd invites you to take the plunge into the 3rd edition of their latest venture – Global Content Bazar which will be held on 7-8 February 2020, World Trade Centre, Mumbai, India.

This year, till now GCB has received, 120 pre-registration of buyers out of which 43 are from 21 countries like Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Ghana, Greece, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, UAE, UK, USA, Uzbekistan and 50+ from India. Registrations are pouring in every day.

Apart from India, our exhibitors are from countries like – Bulgaria, China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Italy, the USA, the UAE, Jordan, Lebanon and awaiting confirmation from many more.

Outside of being a marketplace for content, Global Content Bazar is set to provide an all-inclusive environment for industry professionals to develop new business relationships, explore creativity and bolster the content industry across its many different platforms and genres.

As the demand for quality content in numerous forms of media increases, the need for such a platform can hardly be brushed aside. As the nerve-center and financial backbone of the media and entertainment industry, Mumbai is primely positioned to bring together visitors, buyers and content creators to tap into the fastest-growing entertainment and infotainment content industry this side of the globe.

We wish you the best for this unique event.