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The new ‘Kingdom Hearts’ upcoming “experience” will be for mobiles

There has been a surprise announcement from Square Enix!

A new Kingdom Hearts game is in development. The company took to Twitter to announce “an all-new Kingdom Hearts experience”.

The game would be coming on iOS and Android, so mobile only.

The tweet was however made from an all new twitter account called Project Xehanort. The actual name of the upcoming “experience” has not been announced yet. However, there is a contest. Square Enix has come up ‘Guess the Name Campaign,’ which will earn you some reward if they guess the name of the game correctly. The contest will be live until Tuesday, 28 January.

You should be following the brand new Project Xenahort Twitter handle and comment your answers with a specific hashtag. Apart from the code name and that it is coming on mobiles, not much is known about the upcoming title including price or release date.

As we have already established, the game is not a AAA game and will be available on mobiles which might disappoint some fans, however a new game around the IP can always be exciting.

As we remember, not all games or further parts of any IP ported to mobile get good reaction from PC or console players. A very good example of that would be Blizzard’s attempt on Diablo on mobile which recived some pretty bad reactions.

However, it will be exciting to see what Square Enix does with this project ahead!

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