Sony Pictures Animation recently released the first trailer of their first project in the new international initiative announced last year. Wish Dragon, starring Jackie Chan and Constance Wu, is directed by Chris Applehans, who is adapting the tale from an original short story of his own.
As the first part of Sony Pictures Animation’s international initiative, this film is focused on China and is scheduled to be released at some point in 2020. The studio will collaborate with storytellers from countries around the world to develop and produce a variety of animated features for both local and global release.
A tale of discovering the greatest wish of all. The story is a genie-in-a-bottle retelling set in contemporary China, based on an original story by Chris Applehans (who will also direct the film). The modern-day fairy tale picks up the moral challenges that emerge from the encounter between a boy and a dragon who is able to make wishes come true.
Appelhans, who worked as a visdev artist on films like Monster House, Coraline, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Puss in Boots, developed the feature at China’s Base Animation, which also handled the animation. It’s the first release from the studio, which was founded in 2018 as a sister company of vfx vendor Base FX. SPA boarded later in the production. Tencent and Jackie Chan’s Sparkle Roll Media, both based in China, are also co-producing.