VFX Renowned cartoonist Ajit Ninan passes away

Renowned cartoonist Ajit Ninan passes away

Renowned cartoonist Ajit Ninan passed away at his flat in Mysuru on 8 September in the morning. He was 68.

Ninan was best known for the Centrestage series in India Today magazine and Ninan’s World in Times of India. According to the PTI report, a family member said, “He passed away early this morning in his apartment. I think it’s a cardiac arrest.”

A popular political cartoonist, Nina was equally well known for his work in children’s literature. One of his beloved creations is Detective Moochwala and his dog Pooch, which appeared in 1980s in Target, a youth magazine. His defiance in the form of political cartoons, satire on the ruling government as well as the opposition, cartoons on environment and caricatures, are fondly remembered by everyone of his time.

Here’s how people reacted on X (formerly Twitter) to his death: