Nelvana Enterprises and Spin Master Ltd. have announced they will co-develop the animated series, Little Charmers. This fantastical new girls’ preschool brand, with a pinch of magic and a bit of mischief, celebrates the magic of friendship and will enchant little girls worldwide when the series debuts on Nickelodeon in early 2015.
Nelvana and Spin Master, two of the companies that drove the boys action global phenomenon Bakugan have teamed up again, this time in the preschool girls’ space, to co-create an 80 x 11-minute CGI animated series for girls aged two to seven. Nelvana Studio is producing the animated series and Spin Master is developing and manufacturing a multi-faceted toy line including dolls, playsets, apparel and accessories, to roll out at mass retail in Fall 2015. The CGI animated series will debut on Treehouse in Canada and Nickelodeon in territories worldwide beginning in early 2015.
“We’re excited to be partnering with Spin Master and Nick Jr, to create a multi-faceted girls brand focused on friendship that will have universal appeal worldwide,” said Andrew Kerr, Co-Head Nelvana Enterprises. “The smart, stylish characters have a playful, contemporary vibe that girls will love.”
“Spin Master is thrilled to be announcing our foray into girls’ entertainment with the fabulous and sparkly Little Charmers.” Said Jennifer Dodge, VP and Executive Producer, Spin Master Entertainment. “With strong, aspirational female characters, we believe that Little Charmers will be a great success for Nick Jr. worldwide and will create strong desire for girls everywhere to immerse themselves in the Little Charmer world.”
Jules Borkent, SVP of Programming and Acquisitions, Nickelodeon International added, “Little Charmers is a wonderful complement to our existing line up. We’re looking forward to launching it on our Nick Jr channels around the world.”
The series embodies the magic of friendship in the whimsical land of Charmville and stars Hazel, a fearless and spirited go-getter, who is on her way to becoming a full-fledged Charmer. She can often be seen with her two BFFs, Lavender and Posie, flying past Mount Sparklemore and Ogre Valley on their training brooms. These “Charmers-In-Training” embark on spellbinding adventures that always stir up funny debacles, like turning the entire town into mushrooms or accidentally setting loose a herd of unicorns. Together this inseparable trio use their imaginations and teamwork to fix magical mishaps and, along the way, learn the value of friendship, no magic required.