Microsoft top boss and American-Indian Satya Nadella came to India to visit Prime Minister Narendra Modi and IT minister Ravi Shankar Prasad. He said that Microsoft is eager to be a part of the Make in India and Digital India programmes of the government.
It’s always fantastic for me personally to be in India and the conversation I had with the minister was wide ranging,” said Satya in New Delhi after the meeting. He further added, “I have an aspiration that in this mobile and cloud world, we can empower every individual citizen of India and every business organisation and institution in India to be able to try with new technology. So, I am looking forward to be a part of both the Digital India and Make in India.”
Nadella wants to open an electronic manufacturing unit in India and has requested that Microsoft can greatly help in the field of social services and digital literacy can be well promoted. He is also betting big on the data centres in the country which he thinks can empower organisations in this country to be world class with the access to great technology.
Few months ago Facebook founder Mark Zukerberg also visited Modi for achieving his Internet for all mission.