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Marvel drops new ‘Savage Avengers’ trailer

The trailer depicts Deodato deploying gritty action and thrilling in the series. Marvel SVP Tom Brevoort agrees with the notion. “Mike Deodato is perhaps the best artist for this series,” Brevoort said to “He’s very adept at drawing two people beating the living hell out of one another. It happens an awful lot in our series. Other characters that come into play in the course of the adventure include the Punisher, Elektra, Venom, Doctor Voodoo.”

 The most savage, most unkillable team of characters in the Marvel Universe is assembled! Wolverine! Venom! Elektra! Punisher! And in their midst – Conan the Barbarian! Conan has returned to the Marvel Universe and his new adventures begin here. What is the City of Sickles? Who is the Marrow God? How is the Hand involved? The roughest and most dangerous characters rumble through this new title starting with…Conan vs. Wolverine? ‘Nuff said.

Savage Avengers #1 is available to buy.


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