VFX Golden Robot Animation hosts Internship Contest on Instagram -

Golden Robot Animation hosts Internship Contest on Instagram

Golden Robot Animation has chosen Instagram as their primary platform to interact with the younger generation. With various interactive campaigns running on Golden Robot Animation’s social media platform, the studio has now started another initiative titled GRA Internship Contest, which helps them serve the Indian animation industry by helping artists gain practical exposure.

GRA Internship Contest is an opportunity for the freshers to be a part of the Golden Family. The contest which is exclusively for animators asks the interested candidates to complete few tasks to enter in the contest and the winners will get a four-month paid internship with the highly skilled and experienced team of animators at Golden Robot Animation.

Golden Robot Animation HR manager Mahar Prasad and marketing team’s Kanishka Thakkar have conducted the contest and look after it quite religiously. “With the growing popularity and wide acceptance of Instagram amongst the younger generation, we find it easier to interact with the newer generation through this platform,” added Thakkar and Prasad. The interested candidate can also find all important information regarding the contest and more updates on the other social channels of the studio including Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

Kanishka Thakkar and Mahar Prasad

“The response has been really amazing. We have received entries from all over the country. On public demand, we have extended the contest for five more days. The contest now ends on 25 January 2019,” commented Prasad and Thakkar.

The studio also provides followers with important tips about animation and conducts Q&A sessions through posts on Instagram.