Cartoon Network, home of the iconic cartoon shows and characters, has been named a ‘Superbrand’, second time in a row by consumers and the independent Superbrands Council Members of India. Cartoon Network emerged as the leading brand in the category ‘Satellite Channel – Children’ for the year 2015 – 2016. The brand has once again been adjudged as a Super brand in its genre, having won the accolade in the same category in 2014 – 2015.
Turner International India, South Asia, Managing Director, Siddharth Jain commented, “We are delighted to know that Cartoon Network continues its award winning spree. Turner Brands have been at the forefront in providing quality content and have been the leaders in not only kid’s entertainment but also in News and English entertainment. Being awarded by Superbrands for the second time in a row is truly an honour and a proof that our content resonates strongly with our viewers and partners.”
The network’s success is built on top-rating series such as Roll No. 21, Ben 10 and Adventure Time. The network has also launched a series of new shows recently including the global animation hits We Bare Bears, Clarence and Uncle Grandpa.
Superbrands is an independent global organisation that selects winning brands based on their excellent work. The selection is done by thousands of consumers, highly reckoned professionals from the Indian advertising, media, marketing and corporate world.