Animation studio Barajoun Studios announced a co-production alliance with China’s Ori Animation. This partnership, rooted in a shared passion for storytelling and innovative animation, holds the promise of delivering a series of unforgettable narratives to global audiences.
“Aligning with Ori Animation is not just a business decision; it’s a melding of visions. Together, we aim to create narratives that are universal in appeal yet unique in delivery,” said Barajoun Studios CEO Ayman Jamal.
“Our collaboration with Barajoun Studios is a testament to the limitless possibilities when creativity and technology meet. We are set on a journey to explore and create stories that will be cherished for generations,” said Ori Animation president Feng QIAN.
Barajoun Studios is renowned for Bilal: A New Breed of Hero and its upcoming projects Little Heroes (kids) and Star Chaser (sci-fi) attest to its determination to redefine the local animation landscape in the MENA region.
Based in China, Ori Animation has an impressive asset base and a portfolio boasting thousands of minutes of animated content broadcast across various territories.
The companies believe that the strengths and cultural flavours of both their studios will enhance the diversity and quality of animation, offering a platform for local talents to flourish and work alongside some of the best artists, writers, and directors in the world.