New Delhi: Actor Gopi Bhalla, who held viewers in splits as Constable Gopi in SAB TV’s FIR, is now appearing on the channel in a show of his own as Constable Gopi Bhalla 3D avatar with the title SAB KA GOPI.
Gopi Bhalla brought giggles through his performance in the very popular and longest running FIR.
The way he mouthed his dialogues on the show came in for special praise and there have been ringtones on his dialogues too.
Bhall has played Ravana in local Ramleela and then won hearts as a funny cop in FIR for nine years.
Bhalla said, “I’m very happy with people’s responses towards the show and towards my character. Wherever I go I am asked to portray Gopi. I am honoured by Sab TV’s initiative.”
Sab TV has already begun airing an animated promotional clip about the series. However, the series itself is not in animation.