The Esports Club, a Bengaluru based esports startup announced the LG Utragear TEC Invitational, their latest Valorant event. The brand recently announced the conclusion of the longest running Valorant tournament in India, The Esports Club Challenger Series which hosted over 5,000 players in 2020 as they competed for Rs 9 Lakhs.
The Esports Club co-founder Ishaan Arya said, “We are thrilled to welcome the new year with a new Valorant tournament. We’ve seen massive success with our open tournament, TEC Challenger Series in 2020, this time our focus with the Invitational is to provide players and fans with access to the highest level of competition and content via the TEC Invitational. Rest assured this doesn’t mean the end of open events from us or our partners, we have a lot of exciting news in store for 2021.”
The Esports Club has joined hands with LG Ultragear as their partner to run three Valorant Invitational events in January, February and March. Each event will play host to eight invited teams competing for a prize pool of Rs 3 Lakhs every single month!
The Esports Club director of esports Mansoor ‘Nabu’ Ahmed commented, “The TEC Challenger Series served as an invaluable platform for Valorant Esports in India. It helped define the baseline and identify the top tier teams in the region and now with the TEC Invitational we want to see how far these top teams are capable of pushing each other as they look to get ready for the 2021 competitive calendar.”
The TEC Valorant Invitational is one of the first Valorant events in 2021 and aims to help top teams in India compete and hone their skills at the highest level. All matches for the event will be broadcast live on The Esports Club YouTube Channel.
The eight invited teams for the January LG Ultragear TEC Invitational are as following:
Godlike Esports
Global Esports
XTZ Esports
Reckoning Esports
Team Villainous
AhYeah Gaming
Chillin With Friends