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Nazara revenue growth is up by 45per cent YoY to Rs. 1,312 mn, EBITDA increases to Rs. 301 mn in Q1FY22

Nazara Technologies Limited has announced its un-audited standalone and consolidated results for the quarter ended 30 June 2021. As of 30 June 2021, Nazara has diverse business segments with revenue generation happening across gamified learning, esports, freemium and telco subscription.

Key Consolidated Financial Highlights for the financial year 2021 are as follows:



Commenting on the performance, Nazara Group CEO Manish Agarwal said, “The Q1 FY22 results revenue growth and especially enhanced EBITDA margins demonstrate intrinsic strength and profitability of the underlying businesses across all of three growth segments. However, we will continue to prioritize strategic growth over margin optimization to ensure that we continue to achieve and maintain leadership in segments we operate. Nazara continues to see strong consumer and partner interest across each of our segments and business KPIs across segments continue to remain healthy in this quarter which will further help in reinforcing leadership position of the company across esports, gamified learning and cricket simulation mobile game. The recent acquisition of a majority stake in Publishme will further amplify our presence in MENA region. The acquisition will focus to build local execution capabilities cutting across key growth segments of freemium, gamified learning and esports.”

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