VFX Cartoon Network is introducing 'Gumball's Amazing Party Game' in India -

Cartoon Network is introducing ‘Gumball’s Amazing Party Game’ in India

CartoonNetwork is introducing Gumball’s Amazing Party Game – a brand-new, same-room, multiplayer experience app for kids and their families, encouraging them to come together and have fun over the holidays using a shared tablet or smartphone.

Pick one of the residents of Elmore as your character, roll the virtual dice and compete to prove who is the best! In this unique mobile app, families get together to play fast-paced mini-games across a variety of boards – Elmore, The Void, Haunted House and the Rainbow Factory – each with their own rules and play style. The game can be enjoyed by up to four people at once, or as a single player against AI opponents. Each player is assigned a corner of the board and is encouraged to master various mini-game challenges to advance to victory.

You can choose one of the eight fan-favourite characters from The Amazing World of Gumball, including Gumball, Darwin, Anais, Nicole, Richard, Penny, Carrie and Tobias. The app comes with the first gameboard, set in the Haunted House, available for free and aficionados can go on to unlock and enjoy three additional boards via a small in-app purchase. Each board is set in a 3D environment with its own lighting, animation, special effects and music.