VFX After AP, Tamil Nadu bans online gaming involving betting; violators to face Rs 5,000 fine and six months imprisonment -

After AP, Tamil Nadu bans online gaming involving betting; violators to face Rs 5,000 fine and six months imprisonment

After Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu governor Banwarilal Purohit promulgated an ordinance of banning online gaming involved betting in the state following a decision taken by the state government.

As per the ordinance, those found gaming will be punished with a Rs 5,000 fine and six months imprisonment. Those who host common gaming houses will be punished with a fine amount of Rs 10,000 and two years imprisonment. The ordinance also bans the electronic transfer of funds used for wagering and betting, distributing the winnings, prize money and more. It also states that persons who are running the company which conducts online gaming by wagering and betting will be punished.

In October 2020, Andhra Pradesh has banned online gaming, online betting and gambling, and has urged the Centre to direct all internet service providers to block access to 132 websites and apps, including Paytm First Game, Mobile Premier League and Adda52, that are providing such services in the state.

The Madras High Court Madurai Bench is also hearing a case against online gaming. Three people had allegedly died of suicide in Coimbatore this month due to heavy financial loss in the online rummy game.

“Due to online gaming, innocent people mainly youngsters are being cheated and some people have committed suicide. In order to avoid such incidents of suicide and protect innocent people from the evils of online gaming, the Government has submitted a proposal to the governor to promulgate an ordinance by amending the Tamil Nadu Gaming Act, 1930 (Tamil Nadu Act III of 1930), Chennai City Police Act, 1888 (Tamil Nadu Act III of 1888) and the Tamil Nadu District Police Act, 1859 (Tamil Nadu Act XXIV of 1859),” the Raj Bhavan release read.