VFX Delhi CG Animation Awards (DCGAA) slated for 30th April 2012; Call for Entries -

Delhi CG Animation Awards (DCGAA) slated for 30th April 2012; Call for Entries

Delhi CG Animation Awards (DCGAA) is slated to happen on 30th April, 2012 at Sirifort Auditorium, New Delhi. Entries from around the globe are accepted for all the 16 categories which are divided into student and professional branches. The deadline for the entry submission is on 25th April’12. Students from Delhi/NCR could participate in the closed category reserved for Delhi students submitting 3D short films, VFX short films, 2D-Stop Motion short films and Live Action short films.

Student films other than the ones submitted in closed category can also be submitted in the open category which is open to students from all over the globe in all four genres. Similarly, for Professionals, films can be submitted in all four genres and professional entries from Delhi will be recognized separately in each of the four genres. Even student films from Delhi which did not register in the closed category can register in the open category.

Talking to AnimationXpress.com Mayank Choudhary from DCGAA shared, “The Award was born 7 years back as an Internal Student Development effort at MAAC Preet Vihar by the name of “3D-VFX War”. In seven years the Animation Industry of Delhi grew massively. And when, it was seen that the students across Delhi/NCR are not being recognized on a platform worthy of their talent and lacked the opportunity within the region. That was the moment it was decided to rechristen ‘3D-VFX War’ to ‘The Delhi CG Animation Awards’”.

“The founder of DCGAA is Deepak Choudhary. He is an educationist in the animation education circuit of Delhi/NCR. He has been leading the education hubs for CG film making education in Delhi since a decade. Delhi CG Animation Awards is one of his initiatives to take the Animated Film making fraternity ahead”, Mayank added.

MAAC South ext, Rajouri Garden, Preet Vihar and Faridabad centres are the premier supporter of the event. Online media supporters of DCGAA include Animation Xpress, CG Tantra and Snapbid.

According to Mayank, the team of DCGAA aims to grow the awards into a CG and Animated Film Making Festival in the future.
