VFX Swiss famous Roger Federer featured in ‘Globi’ comic book -

Swiss famous Roger Federer featured in ‘Globi’ comic book

Tennis maestro Roger Federer is featured as a comic book hero in the latest children’s book Globi titled Globi and Roger. Published on 30 April, it is the 92nd volume of the classic children’s book.

Globi is one of the most popular characters in the German-Speaking part of Switzerland with sales of over nine million books. Globi is a walking talking cartoon parrot which initially appeared in a cartoon strip called Der Globi, and later appeared in a cartoon picture-book form called Globi’s World Voyage in 1935.

Federer is super-excited about his transformation as a comic book character. In his Instagram post he wrote, “I am honored and excited to actually be reunited with Globi to be able to share our story together.”

As per the book’s website, Globi wanders through the forest and almost stumbles over a tennis ball. How did he get here? Looking around the corner, he discovers Roger Federer in the midst of his family having a picnic and a happy get-together. This is the beginning of a turbulent and varied adventure featuring a lot of tennis, a fast road trip to Wimbledon and a visit to Zambia, Africa.

The publisher in an official statement said, “Federer contributed stories from his life, was involved in the textual and visual implementation and wrote the foreword to the book, the volume is thus Roger Federer’s first officially authorized book with biographical features.”

The official statement also added, “The collaboration between Globi Verlag and Roger Federer also includes a contribution from the publisher to the Roger Federer Foundation.” With the foundation, Federer has been supporting educational programs for children in Africa and Switzerland for over 17 years.

Globi and Roger is also available as radio play. The Swiss comedian Michael Elsener voices Roger Federer and Globi is voiced by the actor and presenter Walter Andreas. 

The comic book is available in German, English and French languages.