After years of legal complications, Marvel Comics has announced that Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham are reuniting to continue their unfinished Miracleman story. They will complete The Silver Age Miracleman storyline for the comic.
Marvel has announced that Miracleman: The Silver Age will release in October this year. The comic will come with new artwork and bonus material along with the remastered versions of the first two published issues.
This announcement comes just in time for the 40th anniversary of Miracleman’s modern era. “We’re back! And after thirty years away it is both thrilling and terrifying. Neil and I have had these stories in our heads since 1989 so it is amazing to finally be on the verge of sharing them with our readers. I have pushed myself to my limit to craft something special for these issues. Cinematic in approach, clean and elegant, drawing on the best of my own style but also paying homage to the exceptional talents of all who came before us, whose unique visions have shaped this ground-breaking series over forty years, and the 1950’s Marvelman foundations on which it was built,” Buckingham said on the announcement.
Miracleman By Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age is described as Young Miracleman, the lost member of the Miracleman Family, is back! His last memories were of a 1963 world of joy and innocence. Now, he’s been thrust into the 21st century, where his best friends have become gods and monsters. Where can a hero from a simpler time call home in this brave new world?
Miracleman, often known as Marvelman, was first published in 1954 by Mick Anglo as a British adaptation of DC’s Captain Marvel/Shazam. Before Gaiman and Buckingham took over in 1990, the role had already been revived by Alan Moore in 1982, when he gave Miracleman a darker tone.
After Miracleman #24, legal concerns surrounding the project put an end to their early plans to produce three volumes, The Golden Age, The Silver Age, and The Bronze Age. Marvel bought the character’s rights in 2014 and started teasing Miracleman’s entry into its universe following the Timeless limited series in 2021.
Apart from The Silver Age, Buckingham and Gaiman will also collaborate with Jason Aaron, Mike Carey, Ty Templeton, Ryan Stegman and others for a new Miracleman one-shot, Miracleman #0 that will also be released in October 2022. The issue will act as a prelude to the character’s new Marvel Universe storyline. The complete Golden Age saga by Gaiman and Buckingham will be compiled in Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham Book 1: The Golden Age TPB, which will be released by Marvel in the same month.