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Marvel Comics debuts new female trans mutant superhero in a high-flying avatar

Marvel Comics has released an official preview for this year’s iteration of Marvel’s Voices: Pride, which includes, among other stories, the high-flying debut of Shela Sexton/Escapade, the House of Ideas’ new transgender mutant superhero.

In addition to Escapade herself, Marvel’s Voices: Pride #1 (on sale 22 June) introduces her best friend Morgan Red, a fellow transgender mutant. “Some people have an epic romance. I have Morgan. My best friend,” Shela explains. “We’re ride-or-die trans mutant besties from way back.” Hanging out on Morgan’s shoulder is Hibbert, a genetically engineered flying turtle. As an Easter egg, Morgan also has a framed photo of the wedding of Northstar (Marvel’s first openly gay hero) and Kyle Jinadu from 2012’s Astonishing X-Men #51.


Shela Sexton/Escapade and Morgan Red are created by Charlie Jane Anders. Escapade’s introduction to the Marvel Universe was first announced in May 2022. Her story in Marvel’s Voices: Pride is written by Anders, illustrated by Ted Brandt and Ro Stein and colored by Tamra Bonvillain. Following her debut in the celebratory one-shot, Escapade will appear within the pages of Marvel’s New Mutants later this year.

When the character was first announced, Marvel offered some details regarding Escapade’s powers, explaining that she can “instantaneously switch physical locations with another person or trade any specific physical or abstract attribute such as possessions, organisational status, skills, superhuman powers, and even situations!” However, she “is only able to maintain the power for a few hours at a time and must be within seven feet of her target, and the more complex the switch, the higher the chance of a mishap.”

“I have loved the Marvel Universe for as long as I can remember, and may or may not sing the Spider-Man cartoon theme in the shower on a regular basis. So I was so thrilled to be able to introduce a brand-new hero to stand alongside all of my favourites,” Anders said. “I hope that Escapade and Morgan Red will inspire trans and non-binary people everywhere to believe that they, too, can fight for justice with the power of creativity and chosen family.”

Written by Charlie Jane Anders, Christopher Cantwell, Andrew Wheeler, Alyssa Wong, Grace Freud, Ira Madison III and Danny Lore and illustrated by Stephen Byrne, Brittney Williams, Scott B. Henderson and more, Marvel’s Voices: Pride #1 goes on sale 22 June from Marvel Comics.

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