VFX Winsing Animation brings the third season of ‘Team S.T.E.A.M.!’ -

Winsing Animation brings the third season of ‘Team S.T.E.A.M.!’

Winsing, a leading animation company, is all set to launch the third season of Team S.T.E.A.M.! on all major TV channels and streaming platforms across China on 18 September. It is an upbeat series filled with high adventure, humor, and heart, specifically designed to appeal to a worldwide audience.

In the new season, Team S.T.E.A.M.! will face a greater challenge. However, they never fear from the various troubles caused by robots, new inventions, or even by nature. To solve these problems, the kids utilize all kinds of knowledge such as Science,Technology, Engineering, Math, Athletics and Arts,and finally they show us the care for humanity as well as the awe of nature. Via interesting stories and distinct characters, audiences could feel the charm of different subjects and see the team cooperation brought by friendship and trust.

On the same day, Winsing will hold a conference to exhibit their new toy line and other products of Team S.T.E.A.M.!.

The English adaptation and dubbing for the program is under process and will be shown during MIP. For now, Winsing’s contents have been distributed worldwide. 

Its popular animations GOGOBUS, GG Bond, Team S.T.E.A.M.! could be seen in Russia, Malaysia, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Taiwan and other territories around the world. 

Also, Crazy Candies season two will be launched on ST Kids in Africa from 27 October.