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This Thing of Ours joins hands with 90 female illustrators to create International Women’s Day Animation video

Animation and design studio, This Thing of Ours, part of the Waste family, is marking International Women’s Day with the launch of an animation created in collaboration with 90 talented female illustrators from around the world.

This Thing of Ours decided to create something fun but powerful for International Women’s Day, that would bring together talented women from diverse locations.

To kickstart the project, the studio put out a call for female illustrators on Instagram, receiving more than 600 responses from across the globe. They then selected 90 women to collaborate with on the project, based on their illustration style.

The animation has been created in line with this year’s International Women’s Day campaign theme, #ChooseToChallenge. It features a woman holding up her hand, the gesture which has been chosen as a symbol of support to the cause this year.

The animation consists of 90 frames, each created by a different female illustrator, in their own style. The women involved hail from diverse locations including China, Egypt, the USA and Brazil.

Image Credit: @mark0_0k and @bobbythebigbird

The illustrations received by This Thing of Ours were staggering in their diversity of style and approach. Taking TTOO’s rough animation of a woman holding up her hand in solidarity as their starting point, each illustrator added their own flavour and imbued their contribution with what International Women’s Day means to them. From an open question about ‘the disappearance of a staggering number of 5500 Peruvian women in 2020 alone’ from @santina.oz to a tribute to ‘women with a whole spectrum of battles that they tackle every single day’ from @paperandpixelsdesign (Gibraltar), every single illustration shines a light on a different facet of International Women’s Day, as experienced across the globe.

The animation will be shared via the This Thing of Ours and Waste social channels, as well as through each collaborating creator’s platforms.

This Thing of Ours director Alex Robinson said: “What excites me most about this project is that 90 illustrators from all over the world, who have never met, came together to celebrate this important day. Each individual frame tells a unique story, and the collective result is one that celebrates women’s uniqueness and creativity.”

Waste senior creative Tasmin Lobley said: “This project is a true celebration of women around the world coming together to create a powerful message for International Women’s Day. It’s been amazing to see the creativity of the individual frames, each with their own story, some of which have been truly heart-warming.” 

Image Credit: @jonvobi and @estherlalanne

Waste digital strategist Amy Duncan added: “I had the pleasure of talking to so many talented women, from Peru all the way to China. I actually got quite emotional reading about the meanings behind each of the illustrations and learning more about what it’s like to be a woman around the world.”

This Thing of Ours credits:

Alex Robinson: Direction

Tasmin Lobley: Art Direction

Jacob Reidy: Core Animation

Amy Duncan: Digital Strategist

Collaborating illustrators’ Instagram handles:

notflipper, freshira.designs, jonvobi, rachael.lum, gordoilustra, nora_kraska, veilsandmirrors, engueran_coeur_de_lion, aiahhassan, halfwaydrops, iona_adair, by.soleon, johannakugler, easyeasyrol, sydhey, ellie.childs_, meganemrphy, taomodraws, laurablgz, nathaliamilis, swethakanithi.illustrator, ___marie___gosselin___, flobll_illustration, naomiseah, sophiestanding_, rosefur, yazillustrations, trxipxi, mark0_0k, jennischurr, mzkmel, ruki_chuki, pomallow, maledelu, casiegraphics, tororo.aoi, estherlalanne, happyphili, lydialott, macha_mcp, sketchupmayo, imocrossland, ameliedupetitthouars, naygroves, martynawilner, theinfinitedrawing,,, elena_bansh, alanamcdowell, _jessie_kuhn, bobbythebigbird, coco_meiller, frazzledfoliage, tatjanajunker, swampsocial, sandre_fait_des_trucs, padaboooom, emilywylde, that_there_asha, naiaitz, cadarsinziana, madebytania_, becomingamorningperson, human_nico, fogg.ish, hallojosy, aaaaeeeb, paperandpixelsdesign, xsunsteethx, roro_mawouane, byrosielt_, ricepeasant, yool_n, amy_fitz_art, kateco__, laura.snclr, abbeyruletheworld, inkling_illustrations_,, studio.lag, foureyetwotit, trangdrawsbangs, claramariecornish, dorothydotcool, a_piece_of_triss, santina.oz, carol.rollo, ellabucknall, the_lost_artisttt.

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