VFX The first ever Asian Animation Summit (AAS) slated for December 10 & 11in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -

The first ever Asian Animation Summit (AAS) slated for December 10 & 11in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

 The inaugural Asian Animation Summit (AAS) is set to take place on December 10 & 11 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. An initiative of Australia’s ABC TV, Korea’s KOCCA and Malaysia’s MDeC, the event is produced and owned by Kidscreen, and it will showcase the best new animated projects from Australia, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore to potential co-producers, broadcasters, distributors and investors.

The objective of the event is to stimulate co-production and co-financing of Asian animation.

The event program will be determined by the projects that are selected to be presented. Each presentation will be moderated by an experienced animation industry mentor from the region the project comes from. After the creator/producer has had a chance to show his/her reel and fully explain the project, the moderator will open up to Q&A to generate comments and questions from the audience.

Each day will begin with an all-attendees breakfast, during which we AAS broadcast a preview show featuring brief trailers for each project scheduled to present that morning. The idea is that attendees will be able to plan their screening schedule to catch the projects that they are most interested in. AAS will air a similar preview show at lunch, teasing the projects that will be presented in the afternoon.

Elaborating more on the Summit, Jocelyn Christie VP and Publisher of Kidscreen said that, “Screen Australia has pledged to provide financial support to help as many as 10 Australian producers, and KOCCA and Singapore’s Media Development Authority (MDA) intend to support the participation of producers in their regions in a similar way. Kidscreen is thrilled to be involved in this initiative to foster the development of stronger working relationships and more meaningful business between Asia’s animation industry and investors from all over the world,” says VP & Publisher Jocelyn Christie.”

They are anticipating a crowd of at least 300 attendees for the inaugural Asian Animation Summit. In terms of composition, they expect that the event will attract co-producers, broadcasters, distributors and investors from Asia and the international market, as well as a healthy number of Asian producers.
