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Prof. Andreas Hykade to leave Animationsinstitut at Filmakademie ditorector’s position and focus on teaching

Animationsinstitut at Filmakademie recently announced that Prof. Andreas Hykade will step down as the director of Animationsinstitut at Filmakademie on 30 September 2022 in order to take on a new role at the institute that focuses on teaching. From the beginning of the academic year 2022-23, he will be animation directing head.

“When I took over as director, I had set goals for Animationsinstitut, laid down in the strategy paper, Filmakademie 2030 – most notably the financial security of the institute as well as the specialisation, character animation and the comprehensive integration of the issue ‚intellectual property (IP) into our curriculum. We were able to achieve all of this. In addition, we pushed on with the internal internationalisation of the institute, successfully navigated our conference FMX through turbulent times and expanded our research & development for the benefit of our students. Above all, however, we succeeded in offering our students a fully fledged course of studies during the difficult time of the pandemic. My thanks here go to all those who have actively supported Animationsinstitut in rising to these challenges,” said Hykade.

In the rankings of the specialist press, Animationsinstitut is regularly listed among the world’s top 10 animation schools. The institute’s productions have won the most important international prizes – most recently, the VFX production The Beauty caused a sensation with a Student Academy Award.

“Professor Andreas Hykade has shaped Animationsinstitut at Filmakademie into one of the world’s leading training institutions for animation. His proposals in the strategy paper Filmakademie 2030 have proved to be groundbreaking, both in terms of content and structure. We are very happy to support the expansion of the institute he conceived. I would like to express our sincere thanks to Professor Hykade for his great service to the institute. We wish him all the best for his future role as animation directing head as well as for his artistic work,” said Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg state secretary Petra Olschowski.

“I would have liked to see more dynamism regarding our goal of becoming a leading European region for animation, VFX and games. Other countries are pulling ahead of Baden-Württemberg in various fields. But I am convinced: We could make up ground if we focused on the development of intellectual property in all animation crafts. Perhaps a new generation of young artists can support us in taking the necessary steps,” Hykade mentioned.

“Professor Hykade deserves our deepest thanks for his important work as head of Animationsinstitut! For me personally, he was and continues to be a formative artistic initiator on the Ludwigsburg campus. His position on the sometimes fraught interrelations between people, art and industrial production has also kept me alert to the importance of a sense of care for our students. I was all the more pleased to know that he will keep playing a central role in teaching on campus,” said Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg MD Prof. Thomas Schadt. 

Andreas Hykade would like to make creative use of the freedom he is to gain. The muse is calling. Several film, book and music projects for adults and children are in the pipeline. 

“My time as head of Animationsinstitut was so exciting and moving that it definitely calls for an artistic treatment. I have two different working titles that I have yet to choose from: The Beautiful Kingdom or The Boss Who Cried,” Hykade mentioned.

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