VFX Kyoto Animation will mark third anniversary of Arson Attack on 18 July with a memorial video -

Kyoto Animation will mark third anniversary of Arson Attack on 18 July with a memorial video

Kyoto Animation announced that they will be streaming a memorial video on 18 July to mark the third anniversary of the Kyoto Animation Arson Attack where they lost 36 of their staff members. They announced that like in the past few years, they will be forgoing a physical service and host a 10-minute memorial video on KyoAni YouTube channel.

“It has been almost three years since the incident that took place at our first studio. With grief in our hearts, we have been producing animations while supporting each other and have kept moving forward day by day since then. Although we had been considering holding the memorial ceremony for prayer, we decided to stream the memorial video on our YouTube channel as we had in the past year,” they said in a statement.

The video will be streamed only in Japanese between 10:30-10:40 along with a moment of silence. The replay of the memorial video will be available throughout 18 July before going offline.

However, they requested people not to visit the site and extend no gifts or flowers. 

“We sincerely ask for your cooperation in refraining from visiting the site of the first studio, including surrounding areas, regardless of the date. Kind attention to the residents in the area is highly appreciated,” Kyoto Animation mentioned.