Marvel Comics has dropped the official trailer for Death of Doctor Strange, its upcoming five-part event series written by Jed MacKay and illustrated by Lee Garbett that features the last days of Sorcerer Supreme.
The trailer shows text stating, “You never know which day will be your last,” features the imagery of Stephen Strange prior to his days of magic, the trailer comes to end with the caption “It will take the entire Marvel universe to solve the murder of Doctor Strange.”
In an official statement Marvel said “Writer Jed MacKay and artist Lee Garbett unite for this terrifying tale filled with deadly new villains, outstanding mystical feats and complex mysteries that all of Marvel’s heroes will be desperate to solve! Fans can get their first glimpse at the dangers to come in the all-new Death of Doctor Strange trailer, featuring never-before-seen artwork from the first issue!”
MacKay said, “what happens to the world if Doctor Strange isn’t in it?’ It’s a question that I’m excited to show people the answer to in Death of Doctor Strange. Strange has been a Marvel fixture from the early days, but now, his time has run out and as a Strange fan, it’s been my bittersweet privilege to shepherd him through his last day and the effects that snowball out of it. We’ve cooked up a whale of a story to send Strange off with, and I can’t wait for people to join us on it!”
Grabbet added, “Doctor Strange has long been top of my most coveted character list. To finally get chance to draw him in such a momentous series is… well, magic.I couldn’t be more excited for the project and for everyone to see what we’ve got in store for Stephen and those closest to him. Jed’s conjured the perfect finale for Doctor Strange — and it’s a real third eye-opener!”
Death of Doctor Strange is all set to hit shelves on 22 September. According to Marvel, along with discovering who killed the hero, is the story of Death of Doctor Strange. In addition to those five issues of Doctor Strange a series of tie-in issues will be published includingDeath of Doctor Strange: Avengers #1 and Strange Academy Presents: Death of Doctor Strange #1, Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1 and Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox #1.