VFX Call of Duty: Mobile Gold Rush Event is available to play -

Call of Duty: Mobile Gold Rush Event is available to play

Call of Duty: Mobile dropped the Season 6 with a new update. This new update features a whole new map, new modes, battle pass, new event system and other things. And one of the new additions this time is the Gold Rush Event, which is now live in the game.

Call of Duty: Mobile – Gold Rush Event


Player has to play either of these modes, and collect gold. Then, you can exchange the gold you have collected to unlock rewards. Here are some rewards:

  • M4LMG – Moonstone
  • RUS-79U – Flowing Bronze
  • LK24 – Flowing Bronze
  • Flowing Bronze finishes for Battle Royale classes


Capture the Flag – Gold Edition

The classic Multiplayer mode Capture the Flag is coming to Call of Duty: Mobile this season. However, it will go with the theme of Once Upon a Time in Rust and isn’t going to be like the regular Capture the Flag. Outlaws, prospectors, and regular citizens took to the wild west of the United States in 1800s in the search of one thing, Gold. There is no flag to capture this time, instead you are defending or seeking out a chests of gold. This will be made available in early-May.

Your Mission:

·      Eliminate the enemy team and collect the dog tags they drop upon death (every player, including you, drops a dog tag when they die). These enemy dog tags count as a Gold Bar earned during the Gold Rush Event.

·      If a soldier from Team A (e.g. Special Forces) collects a dog tag dropped by Team B (Guerilla Squad), then Team A (Special Forces) gets a point.

·      If a soldier from Special Forces collects a dog tag dropped by an ally, then they deny the enemy team from grabbing that point.

Your Goal:

·      The first team to hit the designated point value, or the team with the most points at the end of the time limit, wins the game.

·      If both teams are tied by the end of the time limit, the game ends in a draw.

During Gold Rush:

·      Every dog tag collected will add to your overall Gold Bar stash during Gold Rush.

·      Confirming another teammate’s kill earns a Gold Bar for both soldiers (both the one who earned the kill and the one who collected the dog tag)