VFX Review Llongo’s Amulet: When being lucky is your bad luck -

Review Llongo’s Amulet: When being lucky is your bad luck

Title: Llongo’s Amulet
Story: Donne Avenell (UK)
Art: Heiner Bade (German)
Publisher: Frew Comics (Australia)
Editor: Dudley Hogarth (Australia)
Pages: 36 B&W
Price: Aus $3.50
Release Date (Print): 07 October 2016
Age group: All Ages

Recently BBC ran a mini series titled “Lucky Man” which was written by Stan Lee, the legendary comic’s creator. Lucky Man is all about a mysterious bracelet which brings good luck to those who are wearing it. The hero of the story wakes up and finds the bracelet in his hand and no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t remove it.

Well, what’s wrong in having all the good luck in the world? Newton’s third law answers the question. Every time the hero gets lucky, someone near and dear to him get the opposite end of luck. The story of this mini series has just a vague similarity with the Phantom’s story which was initially published way back in July 1979 in Sweden by Team Fantomen in Semic Press.

Here’s the synopsis of the comic:

Sailor Toby Smith, the man with the most incredible bad luck, helps to save a girl from crocodile. The Girl turns out to be Llongo Tribe’s Chief’s daughter. He is rewarded with a lucky amulet which reverses his fortunes and leads to him becoming the ruler of a wealthy mountain kingdom. The wealth and power bring complications that Toby cannot deal with. Fortunately for him, The Phantom is keeping a watchful eye on him.

One Line: A lucky amulet changes the fortunes of a person. For better or worse?

For those Phantom fans who were expecting the second edition of the newly initiated series, “The Phantom’s World”, were in a surprise when this issue of Frew Comics reached them. Unannounced, yes; unexpected, yes. But this story is such that it made the readers forget that they were reading something which wasn’t due this time.

Those who’ve followed the British comic giant Fleetway publications would’ve easily connected with the writer, Donne Avenell. His narrative style, clear and uncomplicated, is a definitive asset to the comics. Adding depth to the story with his simple and attractive pencilling is the renowned German artist Heiner Bade. Bade celebrated his 40th anniversary with Team Phantom in 2015. Even now, his style of drawing is impeccable and brings an aesthetic beauty to the entire set-up of the comic.

For the die-hard fans of The Phantom, there are some nice moments to savour. Particularly, in page no 29, when the man who cannot die makes an appearance in the balcony. The reaction from the rebels is something that can be easily marked as the hallmark of an evergreen comic’s hero. If you are a Phantom fan, you will love this. Even if not so, just give it a go. You’ll never feel bad for reading such a lovely comic.

Verdict: Buy. (5/6).

(These are purely personal views of Comics Historian & Writer, King Viswa and AnimationXpress.com does not necessarily subscribe to these views)

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