VFX Ubisoft has enough story and history for Assassin's Creed to last 20 years, says lead writer -

Ubisoft has enough story and history for Assassin’s Creed to last 20 years, says lead writer

Assassin’s Creed lead writer Darby McDevitt at a community stream on Twitch said that the company has so much story and history for the game that they can begin to start “teasing out for the next 10, 20 years”.

“I particularly love the lore. I’ve been working the past two years, with all the other writers, on getting a great document together on the First Civilisation. We’ve created 500, 600, 700 years worth of history that we hope to start teasing out for the next 10, 20 years or however long we’re around,” he said.

“As I see it there were always two ways to go about this. You could always make [the First Civ] very mysterious – to never really go into what they were. But at a certain point in the games you got to the point where you knew they were real. So why not go the other direction and treat them as real history.

“So me and the other writers have been, as a side-project to really make sure all future projects have this cool timeline to go from, creating this huge First Civ history. With all the big moments and a ton of small moments you’ve never thought of. So every future writer can say ‘I want to reference Juno again, or Minerva’ and see where she was at a specific date and how far along was the First Civ-human war going.”

Last year, the next series entry was leaked. Assassin’s Creed Victory that will take place in 19th century Victorian London, and will release for PS4, Xbox One and PC. Also, the previous game in the series Unity was almost a broken game on launch with a lot of bugs.