The controlling partner of Stan Lee Universe, Kartoon Studios announced a global online celebration to honor the 102nd birthday of the legendary creator Stan Lee on 28 December. This special tribute will feature heartfelt messages from celebrities, close friends, and industry icons who were profoundly impacted by Stan’s creativity, vision, and larger-than-life personality.
Stars, producers, and lifelong friends of Stan and ‘True Believers’ worldwide will share their cherished memories and stories on social media, reflecting on how their encounters with ‘Stan the Man’ shaped their lives and careers. Fans from around the world are encouraged to join this global tribute by sharing their own messages, artwork, and memories using the hashtag #StanLee102 and tagging Stan Lee’s official social media accounts.
“On the occasion of what would have been Stan Lee’s 102nd birthday, it is my honour to join others in remembering the man that I’ve known since I was 11 years old. Stan became my idol, mentor, friend, and creative associate. I look forward to reading the amazing stories from so many fans and close friends,” said Batman film franchise originator and executive producer Michael Uslan.
Stan Lee, born Stanley Martin Lieber on December 28, 1922, in New York City, was a legendary comic book writer, editor, and publisher who played a pivotal role in shaping the modern superhero genre. As the creative force behind Marvel Comics, he co-created iconic characters such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, the X-Men, Thor, the Hulk, Black Panther, and the Fantastic Four, often collaborating with artists like Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko.
Lee passed away on 12 November 2018, but his imaginative spirit and legendary characters continue to inspire generations worldwide and his legacy will continue. The 200-plus characters that he created post-Marvel are being brought to life by Kartoon Studios through Stan Lee Universe and its recently announced project The Excelsiors – being driven by Uslan.